Does your dog get tummy troubles or an unhappy gut? Maybe they get a bout of gas, diarrhea or constipation, even things like irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut which all adds up to an unhappy gut. If so, then I have a proven solution for you to help your dog with tummy and gut […]
Natural Effective Treatment of Dogs Diarrhea
Diarrhea can be distressing and will happen at some point in a dog’s life. For the occasional home accidents, here is the most natural solution. Also read on for the treatment of acute diarrhea in dogs. For the most part, diarrhea and vomiting are nature’s way of allowing the body to cleanse and remove a […]
17 Reasons Your Dog Needs Turmeric
Do you have some Turmeric sitting in your kitchen cupboard? And did you know that it’s a scientifically proven and powerful medicine that can make a big difference to your dogs health and longevity? Turmeric root – a member of the ginger family and well known for its culinary uses, is a powerful medicinal herb […]
How The Secret Ingredient Missing From Kibble Heals Your Dog
Is your dog itching, scratching possibly with red-hot looking skin? There is a way to stop the problem without drugs and without changing what you’re feeding now, but first it’s important to know what’s gone wrong for your poor dog to be suffering like this and the link to kibble that’s being hidden from you. […]
7 Reasons Your Dog Needs Coconut Oil for Better Health
You’ve probably heard about the popular health benefits of coconut oil for people these days. Maybe you use it yourself for cooking or to moisturize your skin. Coconut oil is also being used by many people for its health properties, being antibacterial and antifungal. But what about your dog, can your dog benefit from this […]
7 Reasons Why Oprah Feeds Her Dog a Raw Food Diet
When Oprah Winfrey asked the question, “What should I feed my pet for best health?” the response was, aim for the ideal, a raw food diet. And so here are seven good reasons why Oprah feeds her 2 dogs a raw food diet and why you should too.
The 1 Key To Stop Dog Aggression
If you want to understand how to stop dog aggression let me start by asking you two rhetorical questions! Firstly – do YOU start the aggression with your dog simply joining in? Secondly – does your dog listen to you just before it behaves the way it does when you try show it another way […]
8 Crucial Steps To Stop Your Dog From Pulling
Understanding how to stop your dog from pulling is something that every dog owner needs to overcome in order to be able to walk there dog in an enjoyable manor. Many dog behavioral problems also stem from the fact that the dog is dragging you along the street. To put it simply your dog thinks […]
The 3 Vital Steps to a Winning Recall
One of the most common complaints is “my dog doesn’t come when I call”. Training the recall is one of the funniest of all dog-training exercises because we do so much completely wrong! Let me explain. This is what we want to achieve: When we call our dog “here Bella” we want Bella to come […]
The 3 Keys to a Well Trained Dog for Life
There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting and help develop the bond between you and your dog. The First Key to […]
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