How to Heal Your Dogs Skin Allergies (recipe)

Does your dog get any kind of skin allergies? Dog skin allergies are linked to a diet that’s simply not doing a good enough job of giving your dog all the nutrition they’re body needs. Yes, there’s environmental allergies, but they occur because a dog’s immune system is compromised by years of underperforming  diet! Every […]

7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Senior Dogs Health Fast

Does your senior dog need a little extra attention to their health now they’re older? As your dog ages, you might find they just don’t have the same vitality they once did. This is due to your dogs immune system function declining, but there’s an easy way to halt that process… For the purposes of […]

Natural Effective Treatment of Dogs Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be distressing and will happen at some point in a dog’s life. For the occasional home accidents, here is the most natural solution. Also read on for the treatment of acute diarrhea in dogs. For the most part, diarrhea and vomiting are nature’s way of allowing the body to cleanse and remove a […]

17 Reasons Your Dog Needs Turmeric

Do you have some Turmeric sitting in your kitchen cupboard? And did you know that it’s a scientifically proven and powerful medicine that can make a big difference to your dogs health and longevity? Turmeric root – a member of the ginger family and well known for its culinary uses, is a powerful medicinal herb […]