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A Better Way to Solve Underlying Dog Health Problems – Jens Story
There’s always a better way to solve an existing dog health problem, we just don’t know it yet. Let me explain.. Take my friend Jen who’s mum to a handsome Golden Retriever called Bailey. Jen’s a sensible woman, pretty quiet, likes to follow the rules and generally goes along to get along and happy to […]

11 Dog Owners Tell it Like it is on Kibble and Vets
It's always interesting to hear what you have to say about regular commercial pet food, pet food companies and vets. Increasingly today, pet moms and dads are waking up to the fact that to just serve up commercial kibbles to your dog and expect that to be enough is far short of the real nutritional needs our dogs must have to thrive as you'll discover... There was a time when dogs were … [Read More...]

7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Senior Dogs Health Fast
Does your senior dog need a little extra attention to their health now they're older? As your dog ages, you might find they just don’t have the same vitality they once did. This is due to your dogs immune system function declining, but there's an easy way to halt that process... For the purposes of what is termed a senior dog, any dog over the age of 7 is considered a senior citizen by … [Read More...]

Boost Diabetic Dog Health With Powerful Immunity Enhancer
Nothing does more to boost your dogs immune system than this extract of oats, barley, yeast, or mushrooms. It's a must have aid to restoring, boosting and protecting your dogs immune system to diseases like diabetes and cancer. Your dogs immune system is their internal defence mechanism to anything that should not be in their body such as viruses and bacteria. What's in Beta Glucan? Beta … [Read More...]

How to Quickly Soothe and Stop Your Dogs Tummy Troubles
Does your dog get tummy troubles or an unhappy gut? Maybe they get a bout of gas, diarrhea or constipation, even things like irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut which all adds up to an unhappy gut. If so, then I have a proven solution for you to help your dog with tummy and gut issues, quickly making them feel better. Slippery Elm - Natures Wonder Herb for Dogs Let me introduce natures … [Read More...]

Natural Effective Treatment of Dogs Diarrhea
Diarrhea can be distressing and will happen at some point in a dog's life. For the occasional home accidents, here is the most natural solution. Also read on for the treatment of acute diarrhea in dogs. For the most part, diarrhea and vomiting are nature’s way of allowing the body to cleanse and remove a toxin. Fasting to help your dog clean out The very first thing and the most powerful … [Read More...]

How to Heal Your Dogs Skin Allergies (recipe)
Does your dog get any kind of skin allergies? Dog skin allergies are linked to a diet that's simply not doing a good enough job of giving your dog all the nutrition they're body needs. Yes, there's environmental allergies, but they occur because a dog's immune system is compromised by years of underperforming diet! Every one of the following skin conditions is linked directly to feeding … [Read More...]

How The Secret Ingredient Missing From Kibble Heals Your Dog
Is your dog itching, scratching possibly with red-hot looking skin? There is a way to stop the problem without drugs and without changing what you’re feeding now, but first it's important to know what's gone wrong for your poor dog to be suffering like this and the link to kibble that’s being hidden from you. The vast majority of dog owners visit the vet’s office, explain the symptoms and … [Read More...]
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