The Best Dog Food for Hip Dysplasia Symptoms

best dog food for hip dysplasiaThe developmental orthopedic disease of hip dysplasia is a condition that crosses the boundaries of age and breed in the canine world.

Though many assume dog hip dysplasia is the same thing as arthritis, it is actually a malformation of the hip bone. The malformation results in such a laxity in the joint that the cartilage becomes damaged from the ensuing friction. It is what most commonly leads to arthritis in the hip. When arthritis and dysplasia are combined, the results are often crippling.

The issue of hip dysplasia is one of genetics and there are a good many dogs with undetected malformation of the hips. While some dogs will show symptoms early, others will show no signs at all until arthritis sets in. Pets that are overweight will also frequently exhibit signs of dysplasia.

Common symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs are:

  • a decrease in activity
  • difficulty rising from a sitting or laying position
  • a reluctance to jump, stand or go up stairs
  • lameness in the rear legs
  • a swaggered or hopping gait
  • pain or discomfort following extensive activity

The condition is not only painful for dogs; it can be quite costly for pet owners to treat. Many times, when pain medications or physical therapy are of no help, the only option left is surgery. These procedures can be quite extensive and must be performed by highly trained professionals. In addition, even with a good success rate, not all dogs are eligible for such surgeries.

Prevention is Always Key With Dog Hip Dysplasia

The best bet for dogs and their owners is to never give hip dysplasia an opportunity to take hold. This can be done by building strong bones and maintaining healthy joints as early as possible through diet. Unfortunately, the vast majority of dogs subsist on a diet that does the exact opposite.

Commercial dog foods, rife with additives, preservatives and other chemicals and toxins, actually block the absorption of much needed nutrients for building healthy bone and cartilage. In fact, a diet of kibble or canned mush is often what triggers symptoms of dysplasia in the canine population.

As stated by Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkins DVM, Esq.,

…commercial pet foods have repeatedly shown themselves to be subject to serious contamination and catastrophic imbalances of various nutrients…”

What is the Best Dog Food to Prevent Hip Dysplasia in Puppies

On the other hand, a diet of raw meat and bone gives a dog all the nutrients it needs to build a healthy musculoskeletal system. This is because the nutrients come in a form a dog’s body recognizes and can be used effectively and efficiently.

All too often, the nutrients added to overcooked commercial dog food formulas cannot be processed in the canine system. When fed from puppyhood, a diet of raw meat and bone contains the perfect balance of much needed calcium and vitamin C to support periods of rapid growth.

Greatly Improve Older Dogs Movement With The Best Dog Food for Hip Dysplasia

In fact, the best dog food for puppies – a raw food diet is the answer to breeders everywhere looking to alleviate hip dysplasia in their line history. Even older dogs can benefit from switching to a diet of raw meat and bone. With all the right nutrients going to all the right places, joint support can markedly improve in a matter of weeks.

Watch the video below which tells you how old your dog can live on fresh food and underlines it’s effectiveness at alleviating arthritis symptoms in dog hip dysplasia.

How Long Will My Dog Live Now She's Eating a Raw Food Diet

Get my comprehensive free report below and see how you can transform your dogs health and wellbeing very quickly.

About Dan

Dan is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist, helping pet parents heal chronic dog health problems with healthier kibble, home cooked and raw food diets and using effective, safer natural home remedies for a healthier, happier and longer lived dog.

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