8 Reasons Why Raw Feeding Dogs Must Start NOW!

Raw feeding dogs has come a long way these last few years as people are really starting to understand the huge health benefits of this natural dog food diet. Much of the change is due to the sheer lack of understanding by the veterinary profession which rather than try to recognize and accept raw feeding […]

Raw Food Diet For Dogs Pros And Cons of Raw Feeding Dogs

No doubt you’ve already heard about the fresh food healthy diet plan for pet dogs, the alternative raw feeding option that’s been gaining traction these last few years. Now many specialist raw dog food companies are opening up on the Internet to fulfill that need. And they do it not just for profit but out […]

Amazing Raw Food Dogs-Wolf Mountain Sanctuary Video

It is no surprise that we as human beings feed our dogs on commercial canned and kibble dog food. In an age of commercial domination via all media outlets, we as consumers have been lied to so often and with such veracity over many generations that we no longer understand or even comprehend that our […]

Natural Raw Dog Food for Natures Dogs-An Unquestioned Truth

Natural raw dog food is the living prey animals for whom carnivorous animals in the wild hunt and eat. It is the unquestioned natural staple of their diets, and has been since long before mankind set foot in their territory. By this very definition, what a wild animal eats can be nothing other than its […]