Homemade Dog Food Recipes That Save Money and They’re Healthier

Homemade dog foodThose venturing into natural diets can feel intimidated when searching for their first homemade dog food recipe.

This often has more to do with venturing into something new and shaking years of programming that insists dogs must be fed from cans or bags.

Feeding Your Dog Homemade Raw Dog Food – The New Normal?

It hardly takes much time to see that there are many advocates of natural diets for not only dogs but cats and other carnivore pets. In all reality, the deadly pet food recall of 2007 was a cold splash of water in the face of many who had never thought to check pet food ingredient lists. As more people began to take an interest, a wave of pet owners subsequently moved away from commercial pet foods for good.

When the time comes to locate healthy homemade dog food recipes, those who do the proper amount of research will find there are guidelines for feeding a dog naturally but no hard and fast rules. This is because breeds, weights, metabolisms and other matters of physiology deem there can be no one size fits all solution.

Nonetheless, there are ingredients that are commonly used thanks to their extreme nutritive foundation at a wonderfully reasonable price. As many natural feeders have joyfully come to find, the diet saves their pet’s health and their pocketbook at the same time.

What’s the Best Homemade Dog Food?

raw dog food dinnerFor the most part, any type of unspoiled raw meat on the bone can be considered fit for a homemade dog food recipe. This includes organs as well. A dog owner who decides to feed a natural diet can expect to use a recipe base that is two thirds or more of raw meat on the bone and organs. As it is a supremely healthy source of canine nutrition, you should also expect to become a regular purchaser and handler of tripe.

Its value is not only in the well balanced offering of most of the thirty five different proteins a dog needs to outshine any dog merely coping on commercial offerings, it also contains the very enzymes a dog’s system will need to restore and maintain a natural balance.

Tripe – The Superfood for Dogs

Tripe is the stomach of animals such as cows, sheep or deer. It should be noted that tripe is common for human consumption, as well; however, humans only consume such organs after they have been bleached. This process makes tripe totally useless for canines as the vital nutrients are essentially destroyed.

Most commonly, one will deal with green tripe for a homemade dog food recipe which is not green in color, but simply an unbleached or untreated stomach. The best way to buy tripe fit for canine consumption is from a raw food supplier who sells frozen servings in proportion to a dog’s appetite. This not only saves money but time as well.

Because of consumer laws and guidelines, green tripe cannot be sold in supermarkets. It can, however, be obtained quite cheaply from select pet food stores and most easily over the internet. Green tripe is cheap to buy and convenient to use. Another money saving option is to inquire with local deer or elk hunters.

dog and kibbleA homemade dog food diet that contains tripe will allow the dog’s system to make use of the very enzymes it needs to kick the stomach, pancreas and liver into their normal digestive functions, something commercially canned and kibble products can never do and which leads to a compromised immune system and premature death on average six ahead of natural fed dogs.

The ability to finally properly transport the right nutrients to the right places can mean a reduction in everything from allergies to arthritis.

As stated by Dr. Tom Lonsdale BVet Med, MRCVS, “Stop feeding junk pet food is the first and best bit of advice I can give you for the benefit of your pet(s)… “

Those who are switching their dog to a natural diet largely comprised of tripe have been known to see improvements in overall health within days or weeks. Dogs suffering serious ailments have been known to improve markedly in a period of less than six months.

Homemade dog food means an end to constant visits to the vet and an end to expensive medications.

About Dan

Dan is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist, helping pet parents heal chronic dog health problems with healthier kibble, home cooked and raw food diets and using effective, safer natural home remedies for a healthier, happier and longer lived dog.


  1. I’m convinced, but I need some serious practical advice on how to go about this. I’m an overworked single mum = buying and preparing this stuff takes time doesn’t it? How do I know what to give my dog and how much? Where can I buy stuff, how much does it cost? How does one prepare tripe or do you give it to the dog raw? Etc etc

  2. Hi Lynne
    Ok let me answer in order of questions asked;
    1 I provide all the answers you need in a practical step by step process in my video guide ‘Real Food fo Dogs’ it’s all in there.
    2 Im an overworked single dad! Theres no cooking, no preparing just defrost and serve-voila. Order in from suppliers by the box, load up the freezer-job done!
    3 Knowing what, how much, when, where to buy, cost, preparation etc etc is all in the guide.

    Once started it’s easy and you’ll never look back.
    Thanks for your comments, Dan

  3. pls what are the ingredients required to prepare raw feeding for a dog and how do i mix them?

  4. Hi Benjamin, thanks for asking but takes too long to go into it here. Get my book for the full A to Z of setting your dog up on a raw food diet. That way you have all the knowledge to hand plus you can ask questions direct.

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