Amazing Raw Food Dogs-Wolf Mountain Sanctuary Video

Raw food dogs-the wolfIt is no surprise that we as human beings feed our dogs on commercial canned and kibble dog food. In an age of commercial domination via all media outlets, we as consumers have been lied to so often and with such veracity over many generations that we no longer understand or even comprehend that our pet dogs are predecessors of wolves.

Which means optimal nutritional needs for raw food dogs love have been swept under the carpet of modern convenience over our dogs health needs.

Feeding Raw Food to Dogs

I’m here to help you to help your dog get the best nutrition they can get. And it’s ALL based around raw food for dogs for prime health just as their close relatives, the Wolf have been eating for millions of years before we as humans evolved on this planet.

Please spare a thought for this beautiful animal from whom our dogs evolved, without him we would not have our lovely pet dog we love so much.

Below is a video featuring Tonya Littlewolf, Founder of Wolf Mountain Sanctuary and her beautiful wolves.  It’s tough going for her and her wolves and she desperately needs help even if she seems laid back in her stoic calm manner. Tonya tells you what you can do to help save these noble creatures.

And I call on you to donate even just 5 bucks (every little helps) to the cause. If the video below moves you in any way, please visit and donate something, it would mean a lot to Tonya and it would mean a lot to me… and when we do something good for others the kindness is always returned in some other way at some other time because this is the law of nature.

Please watch the video below and if you are travelling that part of the US (high desert of southern California), drop in and sit alone quietly with a wolf. It will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Wolf Mountain Sanctuary

Find more information and plan your visit with the wolves at

Thanks for taking the time to help this majestic animal, he needs our support.

Find out more about a raw food diet dogs naturally love get the free report below… it’s an eye opener!

About Dan

Dan is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist, helping pet parents heal chronic dog health problems with healthier kibble, home cooked and raw food diets and using effective, safer natural home remedies for a healthier, happier and longer lived dog.

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