How to Solve Your Dogs Anal Glands Problem Quickly and for Life

There is no doubt you as a pet owner would rather have your dog’s anal glands functioning properly than not.

Yet, many dog owners spend a good amount of time and money dealing with this problem more than they’d like.

Impacted dog anal glands is one of the most unpleasant canine health issues to deal with

and it has the ability to lead to serious bacterial infections and dog anal gland cancer if left unchecked.

How to Fix The Anal Gland Problem Quickly?

But right now you have a problem you want to go away and I understand that, so I did some research and came up with the product you see below. It works four times out of five so should be a good choice for your dog right now.

March 13, 2025

An Excellent Fix for Anal Glands

This is a good simple quick fix I’ve found thats working really well to express the anal glands

Right now, I’m getting a LOT of great feedback on this product with many dog owners reporting the fiber in this USA made dried apple and pumpkin digestive is getting their dogs anal glands working again normally by firming up stools and stopping diarrhea.

You simply add it to your dogs meals and they love the flavor. My

advice is to pre-mix it with water if your adding to kibble so your dog gets more moisture. The more moisture you get into your kibble fed dog the better!

Where to get it?

Grown, made and packaged in the USA

Firm Up Pumpkin 4oz (for small dogs)

Firm Up Pumpkin 16 oz (for medium and large dogs)

​​​I​f for some reason Firm Up does not work for your dog then the second best solution is Glandex. Again proven to work very well on dogs to clear up scooting and anal gland problems

​​Again it’s simply a matter of sprinkling a small measure on your dogs food.

Many dog owners report that after trying lots of other ways to fix their dogs anal gland blockage, this was the solution and a real life saver.

Where to get it?

Glandex – Glandex is made in the USA using the highest quality ingredients. Glandex is easy-to-use and comes as an irresistible beef liver powder! Give once daily based on your dog’s weight. Lasts 7 months for a 20 pound dog!

Feedback from customer, Cheryl:

That STENCH. You know that smell if you’re reading this…

Well. We just about finished our first bottle of this and I figured I might as well write a review as I’m buying the next bottle, which I hope comes in a one gallon bucket.

We have had NO (zip, zero, zilch) horrible reeking stench whatsoever since they started on this- didnt even take a week to start working, day one we were golden (thank my lucky stars). Also, I know it’s not the goal of the product, but their post-poop “interpretive dances” are so happy and energetic now, you can tell they feel very, very satisfied now after going. What mother doesn’t want that for their fat furry child ?

Edit 7/27 – 3rd time buying, because this stuff is so great. Please start making this in a larger size!!!

Dog Scooting and Licking, The Role of Diet in Dog Anal Glands

Impacted anal glands are largely a diet related issue as 70% of dogs with this problem subsist from a diet of canned or kibble pet food. It does not matter wether it’s Pit Bull anal glands, Viszla anal glands or Chihuahua anal glands, putting an end to blocked anal glands once and for all is as easy as ridding canned foods from canine companion’s diet.

A dogs anal glands are located on both sides of its anal opening. The two sacs release secretions when a stool of proper size and hardness is passed. Each dog has its own distinct scent and it is how they mark their territory. It is also what dogs sniff at when they greet each other.

However, consistently soft stools do not allow the anal glands to do their job. When a dog faces the discomfort of blocked anal glands, they will often scoot around on their rear ends to get relief. They may also lick their anal area excessively, have trouble defecating or even bite or snap when petted on the hindquarters.

Expressing Dog Glands – Only a Short Term Fix

Most commonly, dog owners must go to a vet or groomer to have their dog’s anal glands expressed. In some cases, a pet owner will find this must be done almost every two weeks which can lead to soft tissue trauma. Such an unpleasant and costly cycle would seem a more than obvious sign a diet change is in order.

However, switching over to a diet of commercially made kibble may not help a dog either. Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation and foul smelling gas are just as rampant for dogs that eat kibble as blocked anal glands are for dogs that eat canned dog food.

As stated by Dr. Wendell O. Belfield, DVM:

The most frequently asked question in my practice is, ‘Which commercial pet food do you recommend?’. My standard answer is ‘None.”

The Best Once and for All Solution

When it comes to healing a dog’s anal glands once and for all, the best option for pet owners and their dogs is a diet based around the core ingredients of raw meat and bone. It is the diet the canine physiology knew for millions of years before the advent of canned and kibble diets 70 years ago. The firm, odorless stools a dog passes on a diet of raw meat and bone ensure its anal glands will always be able to function exactly as they were intended.

Within a matter of weeks, dogs suffering from blocked anal glands will finally get the relief they’ve been waiting for. There will be no more scooting dog or overwhelming dog odor and no more trips to the vet or groomer for expressing dog glands. Plus, pet owners will have the relief of not having to deal with the fetid stench that is so common in the stools of commercially fed dogs.

Watch the video below and see what raw dog food poop looks like and how it expresses dog anal glands.

Pick up the free report below and discover how your dogs health and wellbeing can be easily improved.

A New Solution From February 2019 to Help Kibble Feeders

If you feed your dog a kibble diet and don’t want to switch your dogs diet to a raw food diet or a cooked food diet or even if your just not sure what to do about your dogs anal glands and other health issues, I have a great long term solution for you.

Firm up pumpkin really does work well for a dogs anal glands and that’s a relief. But to fix the underlying health issues your dog might have, they need a long term fix.

I’ve just introduced a new ebook that helps kibble feeders to solve many of those day to day allergies, skin conditions, ear infections, diarrhea, tummy upset, anal gland issues and many others.

Short story; you simply add some very special food based supplements mixed into the kibble meal and serve, that’s it! By doing this your dog begins healing from the first meal.

This is the help so many kibble feeders have been waiting for, without switching diet and turning your dogs health around within weeks for pennies.

There’s One Vital Ingredient Missing From All Kibbles – And Your Dog Needs it!

Kibble misses out on one main ingredient they can’t add, and it’s the one thing your dog very much needs. I spent years figuring this out, creating and real world testing this new healthier kibble diet, so I can guarantee it’s results.

If this is something you want for your dog, go watch me on video and I’ll explain the full story of why this healthier kibble diet is so important for your dog and how it heals so many of those day to day chronic health problems.

The ebook is called Feed Your Dog Better – go watch the video now..

​.. and please spread the word to your family, friends and work colleagues if they feed kibble and their dog has a few health issues they’d like gone without switching diet, veterinary expense and drugs.

About Dan

Dan is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist, helping pet parents heal chronic dog health problems with healthier kibble, home cooked and raw food diets and using effective, safer natural home remedies for a healthier, happier and longer lived dog.


  1. Hi Tracey, love Beagles, real characters.

    Yes, you have one dog with a nturally bomb proof immune system while the other is not quite so strong.

    Yes the anal gland problem, one of my biggest questions… next to chicken bones (I’ll come back to that in a moment).

    Thats the thing with commercisl dog food and vets, fix one problem only to be confronted with another, meanwhile the bills rack up! (consequence?). Science diet gives you a big clue as to it’s creation ie scientifically created and artificial with a laundry list of additives (they have 29 chemicals to choose from, but I’ll save that horror story for another day).

    Ok, you have some of the basics together but very incomplete. For hard stools that express the glands and no itching (even from chicken) here’s what to do.
    1-get my book?
    2-On top of what you already get from your butcher, definitely get bones, without a 50/50 mix of bones to meat/organ meat theres no balance and it’s the bones that ALL the expressing of the glands as they create the hard pellet like stool-job done.
    3-Do not buy smoked bones, hard, nutritionally useless and chip teeth.
    4-Dog treats, locate my video on this site about How to make liver dog treats (or something like that). They are not cooked but dehydrated so full of nutritional value and dogs go absolutely nuts for them, so watch that and you can do it with beef heart too.
    5-Chicken bones! Imagine this scenario-People/vets/press etc make noise that dogs get chicken bones stuck in throat or bowel which is true! Now this does not happen often considering how many dogs are out there but lets say it’s 1 in every 1,000 dogs (not low enough risk, fair enough). Now, what was not stated was that the bones come from a cooked chicken which means they are rock hard from cooking and yes cooked bones spinter. Why I say cooked is that I know only a few percent of the dog owning population feeds their dog raw food-sad! Raw chicken bones are extremely soft, pliable and melt to soup in a dogs stomach inside 6 to 8 hours so that rules out the bone stuck in bowel storys. So now the risk is down to somewhere around 1 in every 100,000 dogs with the throat part of the equation…still unacceptable to some I imagine. Now apply this scenario to raw fed dogs who do not deal with cooked bones at all and the chance of a dog getting into troble with chicken bones is and I’m guessing but hey 1 in every 1,000,000 dogs, is this acceptable? Life carries risks but commercial dog food is a risk I do not take-period (seen way too much carnage in my role here). So do not believe the hype about chicken bones.
    6-Raw beef organs are a meal once per week or added to other meals, so yes supplement to meat on the bone choices.
    7-Get my book…oh I said that (but really, it has the whole A to Z of feeding raw and will help you become your own dog nutrition expert which your dogs will love, especially now for the girl and later for the boy as he ages and his immune system has been worn down from all that commercial science fodder).

    Hope I have helped, Dan.

  2. Hello Dan,

    I have read all of this with interest.Thank you so much for giving us this information. I am worried about my new bichon puppy who is 12 weeks old. She has started scooting on her bottom and not being very keen on her food which is a top grade complete kibble to which I add a little of our homemade meals and sometimes egg or minced beef. Is she too young or too delicate to go on a raw meat and bone diet?

    I was thinking of putting a chicken thigh with a little raw carrot or cabbage in the food processor to make a raw mince.

    Many thanks!

  3. Hi and thankyou…it’s appreciated. So glad you commented, check out the testimonial page and you will see the tinyest Bischon baby. She eats a raw food diet and is in fantastic health. A puppy of any size or breed can eat raw food frome just 6 weeks of age. They are naturals at it having not been weened onto kibbles and canned mush.

    The scooting as you now know is because she can’t form a hard pellet for waste which would then squeeze her anal sac/gland as is normal for raw fed dogs or their wild cousins. A raw food diet achieves this.

    There is no such thing as “top grade kibble” or “complete”, these are pure marketing messages with zero substance. We just believe them because we watched them 10,000 times over our lifetime and think it’s true.

    I was thinking of putting a chicken thigh with a little raw carrot or cabbage in the food processor to make a raw mince.

    Yes, perfect-you know what to do. Also give a raw chicken wing or neck etc for her to work on as this concentrates the mind, works the muscles, confidence and wellbeing.

  4. Hello Dan,

    First, I am glad to have come across this page and the wealth of information you and it provides! We have 2 Hungarian Vizslas. Our oldest (male) has always been a picky eater, and as a result tends to be much too thin. He also has a recurrance of impacted anal glands. We have tried many diet regimines, including natural and raw diets. None of which have offered much help with his weight, but some have helped decrease the frequency in which we make trips to the vet to have the sacs drained. My questions for you are 1.) Would supplementing raw meat and bone with kibble alleviate some of the anal sac problems or do we need to move striclty to an only raw meat and bone diet. and 2.) Is it safe for us to drain the anal sacs ourselves?

    Many thanks!!

  5. Hi Kris, Beautiful dogs the Vizslas, elegant and gentle but full of beans! The only natural way to express the anal sacs is through a raw meat and bone diet-the bone content being the critical part as it forms hard pellet like waste that squeezes the glands on exit.

    1-I’d move strictly to a 100% raw diet as mixing in kibble causes conflict with the pancreas and enzyme production. Also try raw green tripe-generally nevers fails to please!
    2-Yes you can drain the sacs yourself and in fact I am just putting together a free report about Anal Glands problems which includes how to express them by hand. I’ve included the steps here for you-let me know how you get on.

    Steps to Clean the Anal Glands:
    1. Cover the base of the tub in plastic refuse bags or an old towel.
    2. Position your pet inside the tub (empty of water) with its head to the left and anal area to the right (for right handed people).
    3. With one hand hold your pet’s tail firmly (at the base) and lift the tail out of the way. Gently hold a warm compress to the anal opening and surrounding areas for a minute or two.
    4. ext, (while still holding the tail out of the way), with the other hand, wearing a latex glove dipped in warm water, insert the index finger gently just inside your pets anal opening. (This is uncomfortable for your pet, so do this slowly and gently!)
    5. Use the thumb of the same hand and place it on the outside of the anal opening at approximately 7 o’clock at which point you should feel the anal gland between your fingers.
    6. Very gently pinch the anal gland between your fingers and the accumulated secretion should squirt out. You should be able to feel the anal sack shrink in size as you’re gently squeezing.
    7. Move your fingers to the 5 o’clock position and gently squeeze in the same way.
    8. Once the glands have been expressed, wash out the black, brown, or gray substance that comes out with shampoo in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

    Help for Cleaning Anal Glands
    If you feel that this procedure is complicated, if the dog seems to be in a lot of pain, or if the substance that comes out of the dog’s anal glands is green or black or contains blood, it could mean that there is an infection in the anal glands. If this happens make sure to contact your veterinarian immediately.

  6. Diet seems like a very important preventative measure. What if the dog currently has a impacted gland ? He doesn’t seem to be in any pain or real discomfort but the vet said he couldn’t get him to drain which is a rare case since he said he could usually milk it, and that I needed to put him under anesthetic to get in better and try to drain them, if not he recommended removing it. The 1st procedure requiring anesthetic is very pricey as would be surgery. Is it too late to try boosting the fiber in his diet or even doing salt bath soaks ? I was thinking it is worth a try but didn’t want to bulk up his poo and possibly do more harm since his gland is impacted already and may rupture it ? I can’t afford this procedure right now but am so worried it may rupture and really do damage. He’s a 11 year old Chihuahua and used to regularly get his glands drained as they get full but this is the first time they told me they couldn’t do it. Appreciate any advice !

  7. Hi Ashly, yes it is, very much so. The best preventitive way is through feeding raw meaty bones. In your Chi’s case, chicken wings, thies etc would supply the bone waste that expresses the glands as it exits.

    Wild dogs would express their glands in the same way as the waste forms a hard pellet before exit, and it’s this firm pellet like waste you want to do the job for you.

    In this case the glands are already impacted so diet may not help until they are empty.

    My advice: Go see another vet for second try. Ask a local groomer if they can try express them. Sorry I can’t be more helpful here.

  8. Our hound/Airedale mix has a problem with her glands getting impacted. She has already had one surgery. Very expensive. We now have to take her in every 6 weeks to have it expressed. It has only been 3 days since we had her at the vets and she is already scooting. Her stool seems to be pretty firm already. The vet said that the dogs anal fluid is very thick almost like caulk that is hardening. You have mentioned that raw meat would give a dog harder stools but would it help to thin the anal fluid so it could be excreted easier with the stool? She eats a lot of grass. Would that be contributing to her problem?
    Thank you, Joanne

  9. Hi
    I also have a 14 week old Hungarian Viszla. At the moment it seems his glands need to be expressed every two weeks or he gets very smelly. He is a picky eater but around the time they need to be expressed he seems to be even more so.
    I have him on mainly a raw food diet of beef mince ,chicken necks, thighs ,carrots and a bit of kibble, his stools are usually very firm but it seems every 2weeks his glands have built up again. When the vet expresses them they do not appear to be infected could there be another reason they are not secreting?

  10. Hi Tim, first off you must drop the kibble as it conflicts with the raw food.
    Because kibble requires a different pH in the gut to digest, it can make your puppy more vulnerable to the bacteria in the raw meats. Your puppy is capable of handling this bacteria just fine, but once you add in artificial foods, the meat will sit in her digestive tract twice as long, which means there’s a bigger chance of harmful bacteria building up.

    Feed about one third bones to two thirds meat. Swap the beef mince for turkey or lamb mince (may help his appetite). Raw green tripe is also an awesome balanced food.

    I think by firming up his stoosl a little more you might find a biting point where they begin to express. He needs to strain a little on hard pellet waste from the bone content. So up the bone content a little and see how it goes.

  11. By switching her to an all raw fed diet you create the opportunity for her to balance her body chemistry and boost her immune system. The grass eating is an instinctive healing behavior used as a pugetive to help clean a poluted gastro intestinal system brought about most likely from the present diet you feed.(Her gut’s full of gunk!)

    The firm stools from raw waste bone will help to express the anal gland naturally and the diet in general will bring about hormonal balance and should thin the fluid.

  12. My greyhound of 9years is constantly licking her rear end and sometimes her stools are really runny then other times she is ok. I have tried her on raw chicken wings but turns her nose up. She is fed cooked chicken,boiled rice and dry dog food all mixed together. What kind of meat and what kind of bones do I give her?

  13. Hi Isabel, the rear end problems are all due to a mixed up diet that is causing stress on the digestive systemm. Your dog needs a balanced raw food diet she can become used to and then long term healthy from.

    I can’t explain it all here but my book can help you you with everything you must do going forward. The 2014 edition is out next week so check back then and get your greyhound (love Greyhounds, graceful, elegant canines) on the right diet.

  14. Dan,
    I have a 22 lb. cock a poo. He is 10 years old and within the last two years has developed anal problems. He has been on antibiotics 3 times for infected (green) anal glands. He also was experiencing constant itchy skin and licking the pads of his feet. The vet said this was a yeast infection/ allergies (his ears, too). Max received a mega dose shot of Benadryl in the fall, then again in January. This stopped those behaviors, but as soon as the shot wore off, in February, it started up again. Our winter was extremely cold, so it appeared like this was a food allergy. I switched him to a raw food diet. The itching, licking, bad breath all stopped. His teeth have gotten much whiter. His poop is small, harder, often white. Today I had to take him to the vet for his annual. His anal glands were infected again. The vet put him on an antibiotic. He suggested that I feed him only one source of protein, like just chicken. What could be causing this infection? I feel like I’m doing everything right ??? The vet wants to give him the Benedryl shots again for the summer, then start him on allergy shots in the fall. I don’t have much faith in this vet.

  15. Hi Sue, your right about the vet, drugs wont fix the problem and please don’t go there with allergy shots and Benadryl ok.

    This is interesting but difficult to determine without history. I take it your feeding bone content from the stools you describe so physically the glands are being expressed and not getting blocked? Are the glands in the usual position both radially and back to front ie positioned at 4pm and 8pm and not to deep into the rectum? (Sometimes position causes problems hence infection issues).

    It’s difficult to achieve results with antibiotics too because the glands has very little blood supply and the infection source is constant.

    What to do: The options

    1 Feed plenty of bone matter so the glands are emtied fully and regularly to avoid re-infection.
    2 Your vet flushes the gland and injects antibiotic directly into it which works 50% of the time.
    3 If this does not work the problem is too bad and the glands may have to be surgically removed – last resort and you need an excellent surgeon on it to avoid problems.

    I’d first make sure the glands are actually un-infected (did the shots work?) Otherwise consult with your vet over option 2.
    Then make sure to feed meaty bones on 3 days a week for good bulk bone-in poos to really express those glands. What meat/bones you feed is irrelevant.

    Hope this gives you some ideas, let me know if you need further help.

  16. thomas zeiler, dc, cvcp says

    hello , im dr tom , i was honored to be a protege of dr w belfield, in the 70s, ive been working in various fields for many years, any word of dr w, i would love to get in touch with him , he changed my professional life, regards, tzeiler

  17. bonnie twigg says

    HI, I HAVE A CROSS YORKIE MIX, NOW 8YRS THIS IS HER SECOND TIME SUFFERING FROM ANAL GLAD PROMBLEMS, 12 MONTHS AGO WAS HER FIRST AND IT WAS REALLY BAD AND NOW, ive kept her on dried fish diet like the vet said, and fish treats, however i would like to try the raw meat diet, would you say this is good for her and if yes should i avoid any types Ie tripe etc or is all ok . thanks Bonnie

  18. Hi Bonnie, yes it’s exactly what she needs for 2 reasons. 1-it will help to correctly evacuate the anal glands and 2-it will improve her overall health going forward, which means far less health issues and less vet visits. Tripes great for health but you’ll need some meat on the bone choices to help form good stools to evacuate the glands.

  19. Hi Dan,

    So glad I came across this article as I am desperate to find some kind of solution for my 7mo old male pug. He came home with me when he was about 10wks and has been on a raw diet for quite some time now, with the exception of maybe 2 weeks.

    He is currently on raw food I’ve obtained from which varies in different proteins such as beef, duck, chicken, and turkey. He’s been on this raw food brand for about a month. Before that, he was on a similar raw food from a local vendor. In addition to the raw food, I give him 1/4tsp apple cider vinegar, 2oz of raw green tripe, and digestive enzymes in two of his three meals. In the other meal, he gets some salmon oil. In total, I want to say he’s been eating raw consistently for a good 10-12wks now. I started feeding him raw food late last year but switched him back to kibbles for a short while, only to feed him raw again.

    My problem is, his glands constantly have to be expressed – sometimes every 2 weeks, sometimes every week – even while on the raw food. His stool is constantly hard, it’s the pellets you speak of. But even with all of this, we have to express him quite a bit. His breath also stinks – this was the reason I switched him back to kibbles!! To me, his breath smells like a somewhat milder version of anal glands and I feel like it’s smelled like this for about the same amount of time he’s been eating raw. I have tried giving him two brands of probiotics which didn’t help much (one of them being Purina Fortiflora); I am about to try a third brand to see if it helps any.

    I’ve taken him to the vet but the vet couldn’t find anything “wrong” with his visual/routine examination. Do you have any other suggestions as to what we can try?

    I appreciate your time!


  20. Hi Chelle, is their any bone content in the raw meals which would make the pellets harder still, so that you get to a tipping point where the waste actually expresses the glands. I can help you fix the breath/teeth/gums problem but the glands are more difficult to resolve if hard waste pellets arn’t doing it. And your vet states that the glands are correctly positioned? Sometimes they are out of position in a few dogs, making expression difficult. You could try some raw chicken wings and if your worried about bones, simply tenderise them with a steak tenderiser and feed as a single food option that day to see if this expresses the glands.

    For the breath you have two options, both of which are outlined in my new book Home Remedies for Dogs (you’ll see it right side banner). I’ll give one option here. Get some neem bark powder and some coconut oil. Dip your finger in the coconut oil, sprinkle some neem bark powder on it and rub over your dogs teeth both sides and front, that’s it. Do this daily until the breath is fresh again. At the same time it’s killing off the bacteria and plaque on the teeth to keep them clean and fresh smelling, plus benefitting your dogs gastrointestinal system. Should take a couple of weeks to start smelling good again. Hope this helps, Dan.

  21. Hi Dan, thanks for being a passionate advocate to change the life of all dogs. I have a senior dog that had calcium oxalate stones in his bladder about 2 years ago. However, in the last year or so, he has been eating home made food such as raw meat and soaked rolled oats with veggies for his meals. The problem is that he’s had annal gland problems. I can’t get this stools to be big and hard, they are soft on this food. My dilemma is that I can’t feed him too many raw bones even though I give him a small lamb brisket bone once a week which he eats about 4cm of it. These bones are cut in about 10 cm in length Can you help? I know that raw bones are the best to treat annal gland issues, but I’m worried about calcium levels eating the bones. How many times a week should I feed him a 10cm brisket lamb bone without causing any issues with calcium levels? Is there any way I can measure the calcium levels myself? any suggestions would be great to help this little guy sort out his annal gland issues. thanks. Cheers.

  22. Hi Abby, thank you, by mixing in some bone content at about 20% of the total meal volume you’ll be be giving enough bone/calcium content. If you can exchange the rolled oats for raw green tripe, he’ll be getting better nutritional balance. Dogs do not need more than 10% carbohydrates as they easily convert some protein to simple sugars. For adding in raw bones, you can use waste chicken carcasses which are cheap from the butcher or chicken wings/necks.

    I think the calcium problem you had was from commercial food right – kibble? Feeding kibble which causes acidity over time with your dog not re-hydrating enough caused stones. Current research indicates that urine high in calcium, citrates, or oxalates and is acidic predisposes a pet to developing calcium oxalate urinary crystals and stones. Recent studies have shown diets that cause high urine acidity ( urine pH less than 6.5), may predispose dogs to develop this type of bladder stone.

    Feeding raw bones at 20% of the overall diet will give enough calcium and not cause stones as the raw diet has a balanced PH of 7+. Hope that helps, Dan.

  23. My female husky will be 12 in February. She has anal gland problems. She won’t let us help her. I’ve tried getting her to soak her bottom in warm water so I can wash away the foul build up urine and feces. She hates it. She has gone from spattering and dripping all over the floor once in a while to doing it every day for the last three days. Would the raw diet help her even at this age?

  24. Hi Kris, she probably needs help with her sensitive gastrointestinal system which is inflamed – any blood in the stool? She would benefit from a diet overhaul and some supplements to help with the poor gut condition. Start by giving her a quality Slippery Elm supplement that will help a lot to sooth and line her gastrointestinal system.
    Raw food tends to harden the stool and help with expressing the glands on exit. Yes, a raw diet helps especially at this age and it can be done with a gentle slow introduction. Have a look at this link and my one to one program where I personally help you through the transition plus I can help with what to do about present health problems. Definitely get the slippery elm and follow instructions or ask me and I’ll help you administer it.

  25. Hello Dan, Help!! I have my sweet fur baby Sasha a 2.5yr Old French bulldog who just recently is having issues with her anal glands. They were drained three days apart she is having severe allergies to grass I have her in Benadryl as prescribed by her vet.. But she is stubborn and I hide it in all natural peanut butter to get there to take the little pill twice daily. Now she barely goes potty and it is always hard she eats the kibble which I know now is now a good thing? She is on the limited ingredient diet food. Is it too late to put her on a raw food diet since she is already an adult? If not what raw meats do I start with?? Is it safe?? She is scooting again and it has only been about a week. Since the second anal gland expression. I’m very worried.?? please help

  26. hi Dan, we started our pitbull mix on a raw diet about 4-5 days ago but he keeps having diarrhea. I am getting worried, so what can we do to stay raw but healthy? Thanks

  27. A change in diet will help with the anal glands, fix the allergies plus settle her weight to normal levels and it’s never too late to transition your dog to a more natural diet, especially when it helps fix health, stops the influx of commercially added synthetic additives and balances their immune system. You can get my book which explains everything or if you need one to one assistance there’s an option to choose that too. Have a look at this page -> Hope that helps.

  28. Get some quality probiotics to add to each meal from day one, currently because of the difference in the two diets, too much too soon equals diarrhea. Start with raw green tripe as it’s easy to digest, mix old and new food for 1 week in lower amounts of old to new, add the probiotics and you should be fine. Go slow a bit at a time is the way to go here.

  29. heres my problem i have an 8 year old Airedale who recently doesn’t want to defecate and if he does it is either very liquid or very small.He is on a weight management quibble diet all his life, he passes gas and the smell is horrible
    i don’t know what to do and am frustrated

  30. Jeff, the problem is the kibble, it’s not enough on it’s own to sustain your dog depite what the kibble makers state. Get a high quality probiotic like this one, and add some live food to the kibble like canned sardines, cooked and well mashed veg, coconut oil and some plain natural yoghurt. This will make a big and positive difference. Remove 25% kibble at each meal and add the extras daily.

  31. Hi there.
    I read this page hoping to find some help for our new doggy.
    We adopted a German Shepherd that is between 8 and 12 years old. When we got her she had severe diarrhea which we cured in only three days by putting her onto the raw diet. The problem is now that her stool is firm she battles to poop.
    Now I initially presumed that because of all the diarrhea her anal glands would be impacted so on the first day I checked them but they were completely empty, in fact they were so empty that I could not even feel any anal glands. I am presuming they have NOT been removed though because I also feel NO scar tissue.
    Now that she is battling to poop so much (even though she gets plenty of exercise) I decided to check her glands again (on day four of owning her) and they are still “non-existent”!
    How do I get her anal glands to fill up?
    Kind regards,

  32. Hi TJ, I’d implement a probiotic – – to ease digestion combined with more well crushed or blended veg and a little offal like liver to loosen stools and stop the straining. The glands will be expressed by the poops and naturally empty on a daily basis as is normal for this diet.

  33. Hi I am currently feeding cold pressed food and my dog is suffering with anal gland issues and also fistula which won’t heal , she was also having nutriment raw Turkey and green tripe but went off it, I’m at my whits end please can you help

  34. Hi Jo, the pumpkin digestive discussed in the article does help with anal gland issues, just mix into food and dogs generally love it. Silver is excellent for healing, use on the fistula (used by doctors before antibiotics came along) This ones good
    It’s dificult to work off the infornation given. Perianal fistulas are tricky. I’d feed a raw food diet which can really help with both issues mentioned. Try some raw green tripe on it’s own as a meal, very healthy complete nutrition food.
    There is the surgery method, but try to stay away from drug use.. the silver is good for this. Just add some to a spray bottle to cover the affected areas twice daily.

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