How to Solve Your Dogs Anal Glands Problem Quickly and for Life

There is no doubt you as a pet owner would rather have your dog’s anal glands functioning properly than not.

Yet, many dog owners spend a good amount of time and money dealing with this problem more than they’d like.

Impacted dog anal glands is one of the most unpleasant canine health issues to deal with

and it has the ability to lead to serious bacterial infections and dog anal gland cancer if left unchecked.

How to Fix The Anal Gland Problem Quickly?

But right now you have a problem you want to go away and I understand that, so I did some research and came up with the product you see below. It works four times out of five so should be a good choice for your dog right now.

March 13, 2025

An Excellent Fix for Anal Glands

This is a good simple quick fix I’ve found thats working really well to express the anal glands

Right now, I’m getting a LOT of great feedback on this product with many dog owners reporting the fiber in this USA made dried apple and pumpkin digestive is getting their dogs anal glands working again normally by firming up stools and stopping diarrhea.

You simply add it to your dogs meals and they love the flavor. My

advice is to pre-mix it with water if your adding to kibble so your dog gets more moisture. The more moisture you get into your kibble fed dog the better!

Where to get it?

Grown, made and packaged in the USA

Firm Up Pumpkin 4oz (for small dogs)

Firm Up Pumpkin 16 oz (for medium and large dogs)

​​​I​f for some reason Firm Up does not work for your dog then the second best solution is Glandex. Again proven to work very well on dogs to clear up scooting and anal gland problems

​​Again it’s simply a matter of sprinkling a small measure on your dogs food.

Many dog owners report that after trying lots of other ways to fix their dogs anal gland blockage, this was the solution and a real life saver.

Where to get it?

Glandex – Glandex is made in the USA using the highest quality ingredients. Glandex is easy-to-use and comes as an irresistible beef liver powder! Give once daily based on your dog’s weight. Lasts 7 months for a 20 pound dog!

Feedback from customer, Cheryl:

That STENCH. You know that smell if you’re reading this…

Well. We just about finished our first bottle of this and I figured I might as well write a review as I’m buying the next bottle, which I hope comes in a one gallon bucket.

We have had NO (zip, zero, zilch) horrible reeking stench whatsoever since they started on this- didnt even take a week to start working, day one we were golden (thank my lucky stars). Also, I know it’s not the goal of the product, but their post-poop “interpretive dances” are so happy and energetic now, you can tell they feel very, very satisfied now after going. What mother doesn’t want that for their fat furry child ?

Edit 7/27 – 3rd time buying, because this stuff is so great. Please start making this in a larger size!!!

Dog Scooting and Licking, The Role of Diet in Dog Anal Glands

Impacted anal glands are largely a diet related issue as 70% of dogs with this problem subsist from a diet of canned or kibble pet food. It does not matter wether it’s Pit Bull anal glands, Viszla anal glands or Chihuahua anal glands, putting an end to blocked anal glands once and for all is as easy as ridding canned foods from canine companion’s diet.

A dogs anal glands are located on both sides of its anal opening. The two sacs release secretions when a stool of proper size and hardness is passed. Each dog has its own distinct scent and it is how they mark their territory. It is also what dogs sniff at when they greet each other.

However, consistently soft stools do not allow the anal glands to do their job. When a dog faces the discomfort of blocked anal glands, they will often scoot around on their rear ends to get relief. They may also lick their anal area excessively, have trouble defecating or even bite or snap when petted on the hindquarters.

Expressing Dog Glands – Only a Short Term Fix

Most commonly, dog owners must go to a vet or groomer to have their dog’s anal glands expressed. In some cases, a pet owner will find this must be done almost every two weeks which can lead to soft tissue trauma. Such an unpleasant and costly cycle would seem a more than obvious sign a diet change is in order.

However, switching over to a diet of commercially made kibble may not help a dog either. Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation and foul smelling gas are just as rampant for dogs that eat kibble as blocked anal glands are for dogs that eat canned dog food.

As stated by Dr. Wendell O. Belfield, DVM:

The most frequently asked question in my practice is, ‘Which commercial pet food do you recommend?’. My standard answer is ‘None.”

The Best Once and for All Solution

When it comes to healing a dog’s anal glands once and for all, the best option for pet owners and their dogs is a diet based around the core ingredients of raw meat and bone. It is the diet the canine physiology knew for millions of years before the advent of canned and kibble diets 70 years ago. The firm, odorless stools a dog passes on a diet of raw meat and bone ensure its anal glands will always be able to function exactly as they were intended.

Within a matter of weeks, dogs suffering from blocked anal glands will finally get the relief they’ve been waiting for. There will be no more scooting dog or overwhelming dog odor and no more trips to the vet or groomer for expressing dog glands. Plus, pet owners will have the relief of not having to deal with the fetid stench that is so common in the stools of commercially fed dogs.

Watch the video below and see what raw dog food poop looks like and how it expresses dog anal glands.

Pick up the free report below and discover how your dogs health and wellbeing can be easily improved.

A New Solution From February 2019 to Help Kibble Feeders

If you feed your dog a kibble diet and don’t want to switch your dogs diet to a raw food diet or a cooked food diet or even if your just not sure what to do about your dogs anal glands and other health issues, I have a great long term solution for you.

Firm up pumpkin really does work well for a dogs anal glands and that’s a relief. But to fix the underlying health issues your dog might have, they need a long term fix.

I’ve just introduced a new ebook that helps kibble feeders to solve many of those day to day allergies, skin conditions, ear infections, diarrhea, tummy upset, anal gland issues and many others.

Short story; you simply add some very special food based supplements mixed into the kibble meal and serve, that’s it! By doing this your dog begins healing from the first meal.

This is the help so many kibble feeders have been waiting for, without switching diet and turning your dogs health around within weeks for pennies.

There’s One Vital Ingredient Missing From All Kibbles – And Your Dog Needs it!

Kibble misses out on one main ingredient they can’t add, and it’s the one thing your dog very much needs. I spent years figuring this out, creating and real world testing this new healthier kibble diet, so I can guarantee it’s results.

If this is something you want for your dog, go watch me on video and I’ll explain the full story of why this healthier kibble diet is so important for your dog and how it heals so many of those day to day chronic health problems.

The ebook is called Feed Your Dog Better – go watch the video now..

​.. and please spread the word to your family, friends and work colleagues if they feed kibble and their dog has a few health issues they’d like gone without switching diet, veterinary expense and drugs.

About Dan

Dan is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist, helping pet parents heal chronic dog health problems with healthier kibble, home cooked and raw food diets and using effective, safer natural home remedies for a healthier, happier and longer lived dog.


  1. Hi i have two king charles spaniels bitches and they both suffer from blocked anal glands. i have tried them on numerous expensive and cheaper brands of dry and wet dog foods and the only one they seemed to settle for was bakers, although they do not eat this with any sense of enjoyment. i have read this article and wonder if you can suggest alternative foods/meats that they can eat that will also help with the problem.


  2. Hi, Love the King Charles, two friends have one each… soulful eyes and regal temperaments.
    I can imagine their dissapointment with commercial dog food, dogs often know better and I’ve witnessed this many times.
    What they will relish is a raw chicken drumstick, some lamb breast, turkey neck, pork belly etc.
    If you want to find out the A to Z of changing your dogs diet successfully to something altogether more healthy for them, get the e-book (top right side).

    All the best.


  4. Hi Marley
    Dogs only sweat from the pads under their feet, that’s why they pant so much to cool the body fluids via the tongue with cool incoming air.

    Your dog smells because of commercial dog food. Think of it like this-when you eat a spicy meal, Indian for example, do you notice your armpits smell the next morning? Ok, well thats how your dog smells, which means all the toxins, additives, enhancers, artificial flavors, colors etc are feeding out through the skin from his dinner.

    The thing is this is just the easy part, can you imagine what is happening on the inside!!! If you want a clean fresh smelling dog just switch diets. I have a book that covers how to do this or do your own research on a raw feeding diet. Just ask if you need more help.

  5. hi, i have a ridgeback cross, she is only a medium dog but she has blocked anal glands which is driving me mad because my family refuse to come into my house because of the smell, they became blocked at the beginning of the year. i changed her diet to dry food (bakers) but she started to lose weight so i switched it back to tinned(butchers) and mixer (asda’s own) (she has now put weight back on) which is when she stared to get the gland trouble. the vet said i should give her more hard things to chew on so i gave her more bones and hard chewies but nothing seems to be working. do you think i should get her glands removed?!? she is about 9 and half years old.

  6. Hi, The problem is just as you read in the article above-DIET!
    She cannot express her glands in the normal way because she’s eating the wrong food. Forget gland removal, change the diet to raw fresh food and the problem will simply clear up-and yes I’ve done this before and each time the problem went away.
    Never mind the vet he/she’s not a nutritionist and obviously does not know how to fix this. Get her on raw meat on the bone of various animals and she will be able to express the glands in the normal way and they won’t get blocked.
    She’s a carnivore and her natural food is meat on the bone, not commercial mush hence the problem. If you want to read up on exactly what to do to switch her over to the right diet get my book up above or read around for information on raw feeding.
    Beautiful dog the ridgeback, give her the diet she craves and the MANY health benefits that will come with it. You will be so glad you did.

  7. My older dog is having a terrible time with anal glands and the smell is very hard to be around. Have been to the vet 4-5 times he has released them and he has been on a antibiotic, probiotics, and eats id dog food. no relief, goes on walks reguarly. vet talking surgery to remove them, any suggestions?

  8. Such a common problem with such a simple solution for the relief of all concerned… except your vet of course.
    Your dog cannot express his glands because the diet he’s on will not allow it and here’s why. The commercial food you feed be it canned or kibble is processed through your dogs body so fast and has such little nutritional value that it comes out the other end soft at best and worst… well you know!
    By feeding what comes naturally to dogs (biologically speaking) and works in perfect symetry with their body systems- a raw meat on the bone diet, the waste is essentially hardened pellets which squeeze the anal glands on the way out therefor expressing them. And it works every time because it’s your dogs proper food source. The other benefits are astounding to the better health of your dog too.
    If you need help just ask or get my book-it will tell you just what to do. Then you can forget the antibiotics (useless) the probiotics (useless) the id dog food (useless) the vet (in this case useless) save a fortune AND get your dog super healthy within weeks.

  9. My question is irrelevant to the topic but does anyone know what breed the dog is in the picture at the top of the page?

  10. Hello, would you please recommend homemade solutions? What to feed them? Can they eat fruits? Veggies? How would one correctly prepare the meat/bones for a canine? Maltese/toy poodle in particular.
    I did not know that commercial pet foods were an ill approach.

  11. Hi Liz,
    My homemade solution is to feed a balanced raw food diet based around meat on the bone. This you can feed to a toy dog just as you can any large hound, it’s just the amount and size that differ.
    All your questions and much more are detailed in my book “Real Food For Dogs” which you can check out up the top on the right hand side.
    Yes indeed, commercial pet foods are an “ill” approach, quite leterally for the dog, just a question of when. When you switch diets you will be amazed at the difference in your dog-guaranteed! And stay in touch, let me know your story of change in 2012.

  12. Can you please explain further “meat on the bone”? I have a 20 pound Westie mix, who, within 3 weeks, has clogged glands. Have never give him a bone to chew on, need suggestions and help as each time to the vet is over a hundred dollars and he is only getting relief for 3 weeks. Thanks.

  13. Hi Judy,
    Ah yes, your dog is a perfect example of the problem and the constant costs involved when there is one perfect solution.

    You see, what is necessary is a diet of different meats on the bone, let me explain what I mean. Serve up raw choices of a large chicken thigh, some lamb neck, turkey neck/wings, pork belly/trotter or other raw meats on the bone supplied from your local butcher or on-line. By doing this you effectively create a proper stool size and volume that is generally compact and hard which effectively discharges the anal glands as it passes out (with little smell too!). Voila, problem solved once and for all.

    It’s all about the diet-something your vet may know very little about-I do. Get your Westie mix started on a raw food diet and you will get lots of great health benefits into your dogs life.

    Hope this helps, Dan.

  14. Hi, Sorry can’t help you with the breed as she was a heinz 57, AKA mongrel. I met her on the beach in Antiqua, a beautiful young dog with a lovely sweet nature although very camera shy avoiding the lense on 9 out of 10 shots. I can imagine there was somthing like Saluki mixed in with the commal garden variety biscuit colored street wanderer you see around the local neigborhood. Here’s another shot of her (about the only shot I got with her looking at me)

  15. i have a ridgy cross with a bad stink like really bad stale socks,that goes away for a couple of days when i wash she eats crayfish and other seafood,as well as quality dog buiscits,and bones,andshe has hard stools so i was wondering if it was something else??

  16. Hi, love the Ridgeback. Ok, the dog biscuits must go in the trash, they will definetly contribute to the smell. The bones must be raw and contain good amounts of meat on them, i.e. chicken quarter.

    Basically feed all raw food of various meat-on-the-bone choices and raw green tripe if you can find it and I guarantee a smell free dog with no washing necessary outside of muddy days out.
    Seafood is fine but leave it raw only.

  17. hey dan, i have a male pitbull ridge back mix, going to be 9 soon and hasnt got his anal glands expressed. only now am i seeing him having difficulties going number 2. there is no horid smell coming from him, but his glands seem swollen and he seems to be more constipated than anything. if you know anything about this me and sarge would appriciate it.

  18. Hi Greg, Yes the problem comes about because of diet. When a dog eats soft food like canned or kibble, it is expelled as soft waste with no pressure on the anal gland as it exits, causing the gland to swell.

    Feeding a raw food diet based around the central element of meat on the bone creates waste that is made up of mainly bone dust which forms hard pellets and they squeeze the anal gland as they exit thereby keeping the gland routinely expressed.

    Hope this helps, ask if you need further assistance.

  19. I have read all of the comments above and know I need to change my dogs diet to fix his anal gland problems. This is my problem, I have two Vizsla’s and have tried adding raw to their diets but one of my dogs vomits every time I give him even small amounts of raw meat but my dog that has the anal gland problem does fine with it. So I started cooking thier food (meat and vegetables) and mix it with thier kibble. What do you think of this type of diet? Also is fiber good or bad for anal gland problems? Will banana’s help harden the poop? Are probiotics and digestive enzymes a good thing to add to their diet? Please help me!!!

  20. Hi Cory,
    Love Hungarian Vizsla’s (do they have the beard or are they the short haired variety?).

    Ok, sometimes they vomit which means altering things slightly. Feed an on the bone meat like a chicken quarter after one day of fasting (no food for 24 hours, then feed) and run the dog off hard on the no food day. It’s fine, my dog is fasted every Sunday to help clear his system and keep his immune system in peak performance. No mixing kibble!!!

    DO NOT COOK ANYTHING EVER, it’s just making what is live food full of essential enzymes dead which means greatly reduced nutritional benefit to your dogs and is dangerous if there is bones in it. Feed raw on the bone meats like a chicken quarter just as it comes – perfect!

    Vegetables need to be raw or blanched and crushed up before serving.

    Never mix with kibble and THROW all kibble in the trash where it belongs, NEVER feed this low quality additive laden commercial junk food regardless of what it says on the lable, it’s all marketing and hype with little substance – trust me!

    To fix anal glands naturally, feed a whole raw food diet as mentioned and they will work exactly as they were meant to. The hard waste pellets that raw food produces does the job of releasing the anal gland as it passes out.

    No bananas unless it’s a delecasy your dog likes as a treat food.

    Probiotics/digestive enzymes can be given if you feel they need them but the raw food diet will bring with it it’s own balance to the gut, so no real need unless things are really bad now, which it sounds as though it’s not.

    Have faith here and feed a raw food diet in it’s entirety and your dogs will thrive.

    Get my book at, it has the whole A to Z of switching your dogs to raw with tons of valuable information & advice.

    Best of luck and stay in touch if you need further help.

  21. Thank you for the advice I will give it another try. My Vizsla’s are the short hair variety, I love them too!

  22. Does exercise help dogs express themselves? I have a chihuahua a he get s clogged at least 4 times a year

  23. Not really, the only sure way to keep anal glands working as they should on a daily basis is through correct diet. If a dog eats a raw food based diet with plenty of bone in it, the waste comes out as a hard pellet which is how it should be. As this pellet is expelled it squeezes (expresses) the anal gland, thereby emptying the gland each day.
    Hope that helps.

  24. Dear Dan:

    I have a 2 year old English bulldog who has been on a completely raw diet (BARF diet) for almost a year now. His coat is soft and shiny, his teeth and breath are fantastic and he is generally a healthy dog except he still has anal gland issues. Would canned pumpkin help?


  25. Hi Karen,
    Great to hear your having such success with your dogs raw food diet.

    Ok first off, pumpkin won’t fix the issue as it’s going to run soft at the other end when what you need is the opposite.
    As with the BARF diet, your getting the anal gland issue because your probably preparing the food as a broken down mixture and this is wrong for when it comes to anal gland support.

    Here’s how to fix it:
    Give your dog large chunks of meat on the bone so it has to do the job of breaking the food down by it’s self (this great for employing your dog’s brain, working head, neck and shoulder muscles and creating well being). So if you had a medium size dog, give it a quarter chicken on the bone, half rack of lamb rib and within a week or two the hard pellets that your dog expells will express the anal gland naturally as it should be.

  26. I hav a one year old male cockapoo who is constantly excreting that nasty “booty juice” as we not so lovingly call it in our home, and it is aromatic enough to fill a room when he drops a quarter sized mark on the couch. What is this raw meat and bone diet you wrote about? I really would like to not have to deal with this issue anymore, he’s also twice had issues where he’s gotten very sick in his kennel while we’re away at work, and has needed an antibiotic of some kind for a “potential protazoal parasite” suggestions?

  27. i have a 7 year old border collie and he has terriable breath have been to the vets and anal glands are fine and so are his teeth, i am feeding him bakers complete. please help his breathe strips wall paper x

  28. Will frozen raw patties do the same job? My Maltese dog has been suffering from anal gland problem quite often, and I’m considering to switch to raw feed. Will these frozen raw patties which have mixture of meat, bone, liver/gizzard, and organic veggies help her to get rid of anal gland problem?

  29. Will frozen raw patties do the same job? My Maltese dog has been suffering from anal gland problem quite often, and I’m considering to switch to raw feed. Will these frozen raw patties which have mixture of meat, bone, liver/gizzard, and organic veggies help her to get rid of anal gland problem?

  30. Pam Morgan says

    I may be stupid about this but I have always understood that chicken bones are bad for dogs as they are brittle. Is this not right?

  31. Hi Pam,
    Never a stupid question. 99 times out of 100 when you hear of dog bone problems it’s because the bones were cooked and therefor hardened.

    Cooked bones harden, become brittle and more difficult to digest for dogs plus they lack a high nutrient profile now that the delicate proteins have been largely destroyed in the cooking process (less goodness for dog).

    Raw bones provide amazing nutrient values for a dog and are easily digested plus they dont splinter like a cooked bone would. So raw chicken bones are great food, just don’t cook them before giving them to your dog and make the chicken piece a nice big size so the dog would have to chew it apart to swallow down the resulting smaller chunks. This helps the dog to work at it, workout his jaw, neck & shoulders plus feel satisfied from the natural action of eating a natural canine food source… Dogs love to work at something ie bones!

    Hope this helps.

  32. They will to some extent but ideally you need to give some meat-on-the-bone choices to really clear the problem fast and consistantly.

    Try some raw chicken thighs, drumsticks, wings and necks. Your dog will handle these no problem and the small almost odorless pellet like bone waste will solve any anal gland problems quickly.

  33. Have just read posts 27-29 and was also under the impression that chicken bones were bad for a dog.My dog has had anal gland problems twice in four months but now I intend to try him on raw meat on the bone and this will include chicken.Would offel such as heart be good for him also?

  34. Hi Bob,
    As I said here-

    “No, raw chicken bones are just fine as they break down easily, digest easily and do not shard like hardened cooked bones. It’s the cooking of bones that make them potentially dangerous and this is the back story to the news you here about dogs choking (someone conveniently forgot to mention they were cooked bones-BIG difference).”

    Chicken, lamb, beef, pork bones etc will end anal gland problems. Yes offal such as heart is excellent food.

  35. Hi Dan, my poodle/spaniel cross has very hard lumps either side of her anus and even after bathing she still stinks! I’m assuming her anal glands are blocked. I have read all the posts above and will be changing over to a meat on the bone diet. In the meantime, should I get the anal glands expressed or will changing over to a meat on the bone diet cure the problem?

  36. Hi Lisa, what you want to do is get organised so that you start feeding a raw food diet at the same time as having your dogs anal glands expressed by your veterinarian (or yourself if practiced). And yes thay are blocked!

    So once the glands are emptied, start feeding raw meats on the bone and this will kick in to keep the glands expressed from then on.

    If you need my book, it’s above on the right.

    All the best.

  37. Hi Jane, Yes frozen raw patties are ok a day or two per week. However the patties won’t help the anal glands. What you need here is raw-on-the-bone-meat choices like chicken thighs, lamb breast/brisket etc. This will give you more bone content and firm stools that express the anal glands on the way out and the end of any anal gland problems.

    Try the patties and see if you get a solid stool that does the job and go from there by mixing in the suggestions above.

  38. Hi Mandy, Love the Border, always looking for something to round up!
    Bakers complete is hell on earth for dogs to be brutally honest! No wonder his breath strips the wall paper!

    What will fix this problem in a matter of weeks is a raw food diet based around the natural ingredients in raw-meat-on-the-bone. It’s the equivalent of us having salads, vegetables and whole brown rice instead of a big mac. Clean breath comes from clean food and the Bakers is cheap (actually expensive!) nasty commercial kibble with seriously low nutrition value but great for dog breath and future disease.

    Get online or go to your local butcher and order some raw based dog food like chicken pieces, lamb breast/brisket etc and start feeding once per day with no mixing in of any commercial dog food-just raw onward and the breath will go plus many other benefits.

    There’s a book above on the right if you want the whole lowdown on switching diets…. but do get started now if you want that halitosis to end in a few weeks time.

  39. Hi Chase, “booty juice” lol. Not funny really, as you and the dog suffer and my number one question on this site!
    The raw meat-on-the-bone-diet creates a situation where your dog now has the abilty to pass hard stools which express the anal glands on a daily basis which stops the problem you currently have (Watch this video to understand better what I mean

    The sick in the kennel part is down to your dogs immune systen strength and the fact that you probably feed a commercial dog food from cans or packets which is just not quality food regardless of the marketing. Feeding a raw food diet gets your dogs immune system bullet proof so this situation does not happen as parasite invasion is met with strength instead of weakness.

    Hope I have helped a little.

  40. Hi Dan,
    I have a Dachshund/beagle mix and she has had this problem for about a year and a half. We switched her food to the Prescription Diet low carb/diabetic/gastrointestinal food that is mostly available at vet offices. We were told by our vet that this should help, and so far over the past year it has spaced out the vet trips but has yet to solve the problem. I know when she is starting to have serious gland issues when I can smell something that resembles rusted pennies coming from her butt. Is there a more serious problem? and is there anything at all that can solve this problem fo my dog?

  41. Hi Kellen, as I feel you are just now understanding, the pet food your using does not solve the underlying issue at hand… and it never will!

    Only a real food diet of raw meats on the bone WILL stop anal gland problems and do it within the month!

    That rusted penny smell is blocked glands and the vet recommended mush cannot help to express the glands as your dogs stool needs to be a hard pellet to complete the natural process of keeping the glands emptied daily.

    Blocked glands are uncomfortable for your dog, smelly for you and costly to have a vet continually doing the job for the dog by expressing the glands plus it will never stop!

    Feed a raw based diet and the problen is solved once and for all plus many other health benefits much greater than this!

    If your serious then get my book, available on the blog, top right. This will show you the whole A to Z of what to do with a lot of extra information to help you understand and be comfortable with the new diet plus how you save a small fotune in vet costs. Just think how those vet visits will reduce to at most one visit per year!

    Hope this helps.

  42. I have read all the questions and solutions above, I am experiencing the same issues with my English bulldog. I have him on one of the best dog foods you can buy..I thought I was doing the best for him. Now I know different, I will start my dog on the Raw diet.Dan after starting the raw diet, how soon should I expect to notice a change as far as the smell? Thank you Dan for all your help.

  43. I have a staff/pitbull cross and he has had impacted anal glands twice now, he’s a year old, the vet told us to give him Weetabix so he was having a bowl in the morning and it seemed to work but now he has impacted anal glands again. My mum only ever gives her dog Wainwrights or James Wellbelove dog food. Do you think if I change his food from butchers to any of these it would help?


  44. Hi, I have a staff so I know this dog well but to solve this problem means one word-BONES!
    Your dog needs bones to harden up his stools so they can press against the anal gland to express it and voila, problem fixed.

    Weetabix = crazy vet with no clue.

    You said the right word-Butchers, only in this case I mean high street butchers who sell meat on the bone your dog would kill for…literally!

    Your dog needs a raw food diet, he’s a staffy, come on and feed him the good stuff and you will be rewarded with a beautifully conditioned dog in amazing shape.

    Give him meat on the bone choices like chicken quarters, lamb neck, lamb ribs, beef rib etc.

  45. Excellent, I’m glad your seeing the truth here, self evident to many but difficult for many to put into action… that’s life I suppose.

    Yes the bones in a dogs natural diet do the work of expressing the anal glands as it should be.

    Don’t worry, your dog will be in great shape and smell amazing in about a month or less after switching diet.
    Good luck and ask if you need further help-Dan.

  46. I have two Chihuahua’s, one is 1.5 lbs and 10 weeks old. The other is 5 months old and 5 pounds. I am feeding them Dr. Harveys vet to bowl and miracle dog food. They highly recommend the raw meats, my question is what bones could I feed my little dogs without worrying that they will choke. Is it a gradual change over. I give them sweet potato treats that I make myself in a dehydrator. Any other treat suggestions. So far no issues with anal glands, how ever I would like the stools to be a little firmer. Thank you

  47. i am so thank-ful i found this site my doxie has had skin and anal glad problems very bad i give him a bath all he wants to do is scratch and his anal gland has been messed up so he stinks again just as soon as he dries i have been so upset and felt sorry for him (and us) it stinks so bad, i am starting him on the raw meat diet tomorrow . i have thrown the dog biscuits out and the commercial dog food i can’t wait for him to be better!

  48. Glad I could help…this is a big problem for sooooo many!

    I love your attitude, great to see people accept the truth and move into action.

    Be sure to include bone in the diet ie give your doxie a nice raw chicken quarter, chicken neck or a bit of lamb flap/brisket which has rubbery bones in it. This will clear up the anal gland issue as the new hard pellet like stools will express the glands as it should naturally be.

    With the itching, this will go over the next 6 weeks as the new raw food diet has a chance to recover your dog’s immune system back to health and strength.

    Finally you will have a happy healthy dog… something we all want!

    Yes the trash can is perfect for ALL dog biscuits, packet treats and cans.

    Do stay in touch and let us know how you get on.

  49. Hi, cute, love Chi’s.

    Ok, no mucking about here, throw Dr Harveys and miracle dog food in the trash if it’s cooked?

    Yes indeed, raw meat on the bone is what both your dogs need and extreanly cheap for you with such little dogs. Feed chicken wings, necks, thighs, lamb breast (rubbery bones), pork belly, raw green tripe, ox tail pieces etc.

    Watch them to check bone manners, usually dogs are excellent (1 in a million chance of chocking) and always feed larger pieces than can be swallowed so they have to work on it.

    Dehydrater is an excellent choice…I use it for making dog treats out of liver (there is a video on site for how to do that) so do it with liver more so than with sweet potato. And you can thinly slice most meats for dehydration, dogs go nuts for them too!

    Welcome to healthy Chi’s, hard stools (no anal gland issues) and health you won’t believe. Get my book if you need the whole A to Z of switching diets, it’s on the site. Good luck and stay in touch about your Chi’s progress.

  50. Hi Dan, I have a pure bred female beagle Lily, and her son Bernard, a beagle with blue tick thrown in from his great grandmother. My question is, Bernard seems to be able to eat anything and is healthy as a horse, Lily on the other hand not so much.

    It all started when she was just over a year old and she started biting the hair off her hind end. I put her on a lamb meal and rice Science diet and no more itching. Since this, I have avoided anything that includes chicken as it was suggested by the vet that this could be the problem. And this seems to work for the itchy problem, however now her anal glands are needing to be expressed every few weeks!

    I would really like to get her expressing her own glands naturally, and i’ve been reading your posts. I have a butcher that provides raw meat dog food, and it is made up of purely the organs of the beef that can’t be sold to humans, but no bones. I do however buy smoked bones from this same butcher as a treat for my dogs. I make my own dog treats as well by purchasing a fresh beef heart and cooking it in the crock pot and then drying it slowly in the oven.

    my questions … I was quite surprised to see chicken bones being suggested as I have always heard that these can splinter and shouldn’t be fed to dogs???

    next question, would the raw beef organs be sufficient for my dogs or will i need to supplement?

    Thanks in advance for you advice.

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