Does Your Dog Have These
Health Problems?
Dear Dog Parent, does your dog suffer health complaints like...
- Skin and coat problems?
- Allergies?
- Digestive problems?
- Ear infections?
- Bad gas, bad breath or strong doggy smell?
- Yeast build up?
- Lumps and bumps?
- Immune issues?
- Other inflammatory disorders?
Are you still frustrated buying all those expensive drugs and supplements but they're just not having the effect you'd hoped for?
All the while you still don't know the cause.
Can't put your finger on it!
While the vet recommends prednisone. antibiotics. apoquel. tramadol. Prescription diets. Short term fixes. Long term pain.
Your dog still suffers!
And Does This Sound Familiar?
"I’ve tried everything from prescriptions from the vet to anything I could find on line for this problem. Most things help temporarily but so far nothing has helped with the source of the problem."
Yolander H.
"Vet prescribed Mometamax which would clear up one ear, then the other ear would get infected, clear up and then the original ear would get infected.... it was a vicious circle."
Susan M.
One Health Problem After Another..
Because if your dog has digestive troubles for example, they'll far more easily suffer allergies, skin problems, infections or other chronic health problems in a kind of cascading effect one on top of the other.
Because they're all linked to the same underlying problem.
And this has got to be playing on your mind, because I know what it's like to have a dog with health problems, I've been there, I know how it feels...
...and quite frankly, feeling worried not knowing what to do and fearing the worst while your dogs suffering right in front of you, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
This is why it's important to know the following:
Because the health problems build up like a kind of trickle effect from simple day to day nutritional abuse chipping away at your dogs vitality on kibble missing that 'one' all important life giving, healing ingredient.
The Healthy Dog You Want So Much, You Can Have
What separates you from experiencing the healthy vitality that you want to see in your dog comes down to one simple factor, which I'll get to below.
You can't keep trawling numerous websites and videos, increasing your confusion.
You can't keep wishing things will get better.
You can't just talk about the problem hoping it will change.
You have a choice.
Right now you can make all the difference to your dog's wellbeing and feel that happy sense of relief that comes with alleviating the 'cause' of your dog's health problems.
That's why I've created the brand new Healthier Kibble Diet. It gets to the heart of healing dogs with persistent health problems from eating a kibble only diet. It's exactly what you need to heal your dog's chronic health complaints.
I'm dedicated to helping you heal your dog in this simple and effective way - and you can get started today.
Try the tested and proven solution,
it works!
Give your dog what they need to heal and repair
The "healing trigger" missing from all kibbles and vital to your dogs health
Now it can work its magic 100% naturally.
(for the full story, watch the video at the top)
I'm so committed to your dog's healthier life that I've created the Feed Your Dog Better eBook and inside is the Healthier Kibble Diet. And you can get started today on solving your dog's persistent health issues.
Honestly... I think the healthier kibble diet's revolutionary. Not only because of its quick healing power - you can be feeding your dog to health today, but also because of its simplicity...
...there's no diet change involved!
I've spent 6 years using it exclusively with 'one to one' customers before public release.
Now I can tell you with 100% assurance that if your dog has the kind of health problems discussed above, the healthier kibble diet is a welcome solution.
Here's what's included in the Book
'Feed Your Dog Better'
Chapter 2
Portion Size and the Importance
of Hydration and Exercise
I show you how to get your dog’s daily portion size accurate for weight control and the importance of hydration and exercise.
Tables are provided so everything's worked out according to your dogs body condition, activity and body type - you won't need to guess or figure things out for yourself.
Also Included in the Book
Watch As Pesky Allergies Quickly Go Into Reverse
The Healthier Kibble Diet Has One Goal
To teach you step by step to quickly add specific, healing supplemental 'super food' choices to your dogs daily kibble meals . This will eliminate a whole range of health problems fast and simply in the most effortless way possible.
All the while boosting your dogs immune system dramatically and locking in long term great health to cut dog ownerships costs by at least 50% over your dog’s lifetime.
Your Dog Will Now Feel Empowered and Energized by This New Healing Solution
It will make your dog much healthier and happier and you relieved, excited and proud of yourself for trusting your instincts and taking action.*
* 1-2 minutes prep & serve.
100% safe & secure payment
You'll also Receive Two Amazing Bonuses!
(for a limited time only)
I'm going one BIG step further here because as an added bonus you'll also receive 2 more valuable components to cover all bases from one trusted authority for consistent results...
Watch the 'Bonus' video below...
98% of dog owners around the world are using one of these three diets:
- The Kibble and Canned Pet Food Diet
- The Home Cooked Food Diet
- The Raw Food Diet
You Get all 3 Complete Diets. Everything Included.
I've also incorporated into the ebook Feed Your Dog Better, all three diets and they are fully comprehensive nothing left out diets with all the extra features of the Healthier Kibble Diet.
As a Canine Nutrition and Home Remedy Expert of 15 years I've used my up to the minute nutrition knowledge to create a fully comprehensive home cooked food diet book complete with 22 delicious recipes and a complete raw food diet book that covers both commercial and home prepared raw food for your dog.
I'm doing this because I want to provide you with as much value as possible. Now you get the latest and best information, your dog gets the help they need with consistent results they'll love and you'll feel great providing.
My gift to you in your devotion to your dog
The Complete
Home Cooked Food Diet Book

All aspects of the Home Cooked Food Diet Covered..
- Full ingredients list with links
- Batch cooking for convenience
- Supplements for nutrient balance
- The best oils to cook with
- The best nutritional ratios
- Feeding puppies
- Combining foods
- Meal plans, prep and dietary variation
- 22 delicious healthy recipes
- Quick Start Guide & full weekly feeding timetable
- And much more...
The Complete
Raw Food Diet Book
All aspects of the Raw Food Diet Covered..
- Getting the ratios right & nutrient balance
- The best starter foods and how much to feed
- The safest bones for puppies, adults & best bone alternatives
- The supplements your dog needs, how much & how often
- Complete food choice chart
- Recipes
- How to prepare and transition your dog in simple steps
- Functional foods & supplements for common health issues
- Puppies, pregnancy and senior dogs feeding guides
- How to balance the diet
- How you can save on shopping for food
- Commercial raw food options and suppliers resource list
- Quick start guide & full weekly feeding timetable
- And much more..

My male is looking amazingly good... His digestion issues 100% GONE!
"My femail bully... same amazing looks... zero ear infections.."
Chris B.

My dog is doing great! She loves it!
"She's breathing fine!!! I'm amazed! I have not given her any drugs today!!!. Thank you so much, JoAn.
Joan S.
Dan Scott
Dan, is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist of 15+ years, helping thousands of dog owners around the world discover the effective, natural, simple, low cost and swift solutions to having a healthy, happy and low maintenance dog for life.
"It brings me great satifaction reaching out to you with an effective way to heal the underlying cause of your dogs health problems, knowing your dog will benefit right from the first meal.
The ebook 'Feed Your Dog Better' is a must have solution that benefits all dogs and the ideal low cost & convenient way to solve multiple health issues." Dan Scott
Have a healthier dog 12 weeks from now
or your money back!
My guarantee is SIMPLE.
I want your dog to have a shot at great all round health long term and you feeling good you did this for them plus save a fortune in vet bills.
I absolutely guarantee the Healthier Kibble Diet will transform the health of your dog for the better. Your dogs health quickly improves and the health problems they currently face begin to fade fast.
And now your dogs healthier and happier we're both happier. And I'm so confident that the Healthier Kibble Diet will help your dog that if you go through the information, apply it to your dog over the next 12 weeks and don't get the results you want, just shoot me a quick email and I'll refund you 'no questions asked'.
I personally charge $295 for private clients consultation and ongoing coaching. But it's not going to cost you that, I want to make this so simple that you're able to jump into action now.
That's why the Feed Your Dog Better Ebook is just $19.95 to get started today.
Go through everything, apply it to your dog and if you're not happy,
send it back no questions asked, no hard feelings, just wasn’t for you.
"So go ahead, click below and order now"

100% safe & secure payment
Get your dog on the fast track to great health...
I'll never know if you don't buy but if you keep doing the same things over and over again, where will your dogs health be in 12 months from now?
There comes a time when a dog needs something more than 'just' kibble in their meals.
When the health problems start, and that could be as a puppy, adult or senior, but when they do start it's really important not to delay any longer and do something or chronic health problems turn to acute and expensive health problems and then your panicking and feeling guilty over doing too little too late.
Click on the add to cart button and get your dog on the fast track to great health.
100% safe & secure payment
I’m Dan Scott, it’s always an honor to serve you and your best friend.
Within days and weeks of adding these 'extras' to your dog’s kibble meal, you'll notice scratching subside, the coat feeling softer and cleaner smelling, shedding slows, ears become much cleaner as frequent yeast infections stop.
All the while your dogs sensitive 'tummy' rapidly improves, diarrhea stops, anal glands express better, gas improves fast, breath gets fresher quickly, skin improves greatly, arthritic joints start to free up which means less pain and more movement, allowing your dog to move again with the confidence they once had.
And if that wasn't enough, just one minute a day adding some extras to your dogs kibble meals cuts vet bills by at least 50%, (as tested over 6 years!) all the while extending the time your dog has with you.