6 Dog Health Questions Answered About Raw Diets For Dogs

Dog Health QuestionsIt is not uncommon to have plenty of dog health questions about raw diets. Though a natural diet is hardly some new fangled fad, the concept is new enough for many that common questions about dog health often occur. So here’s some dog health questions and answers to help you discover more about your dogs natural diet.

Isn’t a raw diet dangerous? What about salmonella?

This is probably one of the biggest dog health questions about a natural diet there is.  The answer is that food is always covered with some sort of bacteria; some of it good and some of it bad. However, the human stomach has an acidic PH level of roughly five to six and small levels of bacteria are destroyed there all the time.

The canine stomach caries a PH level of one to two. This is ten thousand times stronger than the human stomach. Salmonella, campylobacter and other strains of bacteria rarely ever stand a living chance of any kind in a dog’s stomach. The dog is evolved to handle bacteria and does it extremely well, the rest is just care mongering about dog health problems that may happen but in reality are virtually non existent.

How much will natural feeding cost?

There is no real way to come up with an exact number. Each diet will be somewhat different depending on the dog’s size, metabolism and appetite.  Most have found that bargain shopping and raw food internet suppliers can have you spending a dollar a day or less. The biggest recommendation is to order in bulk and freeze individual portions for the weeks or months ahead. Buying in bulk will always cost much less than shopping by the day.

Remember that you will also be saving money when vet bills suddenly take a sharp downturn as well. In my guide I share several methods of obtaining exactly what your dog needs for pennies and often free on a regular basis.

Isn’t it just faster to open a can of dog food?

Though preparing portions from bulk stores may take up an hour or two on a Saturday, daily feedings consist of simply pulling out a frozen portion the night before so it can defrost and feeding the dog the next day. This is hardly time consuming and you do not have to deal with the assault of foul mush in a can.

Isn’t it dangerous to feed dogs bones on a regular basis?

This is the one of the most common dog health questions.  Actually, it is bones that are cooked that will do a dog most harm. This is because it hardens the bone tissue, making it easier to crack in sharp splinters and slivers. These sharp pieces are often what results in damage to internal organs.

Raw bones are softer and suppler. Dogs have everything they need to crunch right through and digest bone matter as their stomach acids far more powerful than ours, easily dissolves raw bone. As intelligent beings, dogs instinctively know how to eat bones. However, it is always recommended to supervise the feeding of raw meaty bones when you first start on the diet. Of course you can always feed minced bones which means no whole bones to worry about.

Watch the video below for the truth about dogs and bones.

Dog Bones: The Real Story You Dont Get Told

Are dog’s truly healthier eating fresh foods?

This is one of the best dog health questions to ask. Despite the onslaught of propaganda that dog food companies have portrayed over the last sixty years, the biological fact remains that a carnivore’s system simply cannot gain adequate nutrition from cooked foods. Yet, whether dry or moist, all commercial dog food companies cook their products. Despite sincere attempts to fit fiction to facts, a dog’s system cannot suddenly diverge from millions of years of evolution to adapt to a cooked food source in a mere sixty years.

The reason dog food is cooked is because it generally contains spoiled rejected grains, restaurant waste food, rancid commercial cooking oil, shop spoiled packaged food waste unfit for human consumption, dead, disabled, diseased and dying animals, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, molds, funguses and bacteria and there must be some way to process such a concoction down to fit in a bag or a can.

Yes, a dog is truly healthier eating fresh foods.

Watch the video below for more answers on dog questions about health.

What do Dogs Eat to Thrive Not Simply Survive?

Get my free report below and find out more about this life saving diet your dog will thank you for giving them.

About Dan

Dan is an experienced dog nutrition and home remedy specialist, helping pet parents heal chronic dog health problems with healthier kibble, home cooked and raw food diets and using effective, safer natural home remedies for a healthier, happier and longer lived dog.

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